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Studio Display Front View Mockup.png

Project Overview

The Product

HelpLama offers different types technical services in different countries for its customers and this website is going to showcase these services to its new clients and existing customers in a creative manner so that they will have an idea of ​​the services offered by the company.


How can I redesign an existing design that will help new customers learn more about the services that the company offers with a quick look at the website.

Project Duration
My Role & Responsibilities

4 weeks(May-June 2022)

UX Research, UI Designer


Figma, Photoshop

Project Vision

In mid-2022, I had the opportunity to work for a company that wanted to completely redesign their website so that new visitors could quickly and easily learn about the services the company offers. They also wanted to restructure their website with new custom graphics that would give the website a useful and modern look.

Key Challenges

  1. Make the home page, especially the heroes section, more eye catching to new website visitors.

  2. Highlight specific areas so visitors can quickly find the things for which they came to this website.

  3. Improve the website’s home screen responsiveness and more user friendly.

  4. Broaden the general information available on the website’s homepage, helping the user find what they need more quickly.

Design Process

These are the process mentioned below that indicate how I solve the problem by completely redesigning the entire website and after that how I validate the design before handover the design for development.




At this time, I was trying to understand exactly what things confuse and distract users, especially for new users and stop them or take their time to fully understand the content of the website.

In this step, I experiment with some real users and give them certain tasks so that I can see by myself the behavior and problems of the users. So that I can develop features that will offer  better solution.




Now it's time to gather all the information together and plan the solution, brainstorming new ideas and features that will perfectly fit with the user's requirements.

All the research and brainstorming is done  now time to create the wireframes and prototype with different interactions and custom graphics to show the client and test with real users to get feedback.

My project-1.png
Targeted Users 

Here we mainly focused on those people who have a small business or shop or wants to start a new business. Customer satisfaction and after-sales service are very important for a new business, but it is also very frustrating for them to manage everything by themselves. So to learn more about customer frustration, behaviour and goals, I created this persona .


Help Lama New.png

High-Fidelity Prototype

For the high-fidelity prototypes I followed the previously created sketches and the lo-fi prototypes, as well as the findings of the market and user research in more depth. You can explore the HI-FI Prototype by clicking below button.

What's new ?

As you can see, these are some major changes in the new design that will attract the attention of visitors

New Hero section
Hero Section.png
Popup service section
Popup services section.jpg
New footer section

Pratik, IN

“The website now looks more realistic with different interactions."

James, US

"The website now looks more professional and reliable as all sections use the same colors and have separate hero and footer sections.

Bidisha, IN

“The old websites looked very static like images, but with the new design it feels like we are actually interacting with the user interface.”
Reviews by clients and testers

Takeaway from this project


I started this project with the idea of conducting it as a "sprint". The limited timeframe to deliver this concept was a nice personal constraint that allowed me to work smart, quickly, and creatively.


Given that habit is pretty much a visual experience, the use of animations over flat screens to convey this idea was crucial. This was an exciting challenge, being my first time extensively using a prototyping software.

Having done this project by myself made me realize how enriching it is to have the creative input of other people, especially when it comes to the ideation part of a project.

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