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Project Overview

The Product

GrowAgro is one of the first mobile app that mostly focuses on the problems of individual farmers and their modern digital solutions. Some of its features include early weather reports for farmers, disease information and prevention, and other updated price information. It provides individual solutions for each farmer's individual problems.

Project Duration
My Role & Responsibilities

5 weeks(December 2022)

UX Research, UI Designer


Figma, Photoshop

Project Vision

I am glad to have the opportunity to demonstrate how modern technology can help farmers grow. Our country already has a lot of information for farmers, but now many farmers live in rural areas, where they face an information gap.


So I had to understand these issues and how to bridge this information gap with digital solutions. So that farmers can use this information to maximize agricultural production.

Project Vision.jpg

Design Process

I take into various steps required to create a user-friendly design with the product and a visually attractive interface. To analyze and design how a user would navigate the app, and how he/she would perform certain tasks, I sketched out some rough paper frameworks to understand each scenario a user might encounter. Different projects require different approaches for completion and validation. So, below I show the steps I used to design these wireframes.




At this point I tried to understand the problem which we are going to solve and do different online and offline reaches According to my research, farmers in India face three major challenges. Bad weather, crop diseases, low prices from intermediaries - for small farmers without a security system, these problems can quickly turn into disasters.

At this stage, I analyze the collected data during the research and figure out the main problems and the best digital solutions that I can provide to solve the problems. Like the main features of that app.




Now, based on my previous data, I started making different sketches on paper to outline my different design ideas and how I was going to organize all the data and features on the screens

All the research and brainstorming is done  now time to create the wireframes and prototype with different interactions and custom graphics to show the client and test with real users to get feedback.


Agriculture research data.png

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy. More than 600 million Indians depend upon agriculture for their livelihood. Considering the huge potential of the market, many companies have started investing in this sector by creating digital products (For Service) which would ease the process for the Agriculturists.


Bad weather, crop diseases, and low prices from middlemen for small farmers without security in the system, these challenges can quickly turn into disasters, and these are common problems for farmers in India.


So we had the opportunity to provide a platform for farmers that can solve these problems by tailoring solutions to each of their individual problems.

Information Architecture

I mapped out the features in an information architecture diagram to further highlight the main features to get a clear idea
of the product and how the app screens will link to each other.

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After my initial User Research, I developed a persona to help me guide my ideation process and to solidify the user’s needs, experiences, behaviors, and goals.

Lo Fidelity Wireframes

After all the research and various suggestions, I found out some of the main problems that Indian farmers are now facing every year. So I quickly came up with some ideas to solve these problems. And below the lo fidelity of these ideas.

Style Guide

Below I mention the colors and typography which I used to create the Prototype of GoAgro app.

Crop Diseases .jpg
Early Diseases alert and Prevention

Crops worth Rs 50,000 crore are lost owing to pest and disease attack every year as pesticide consumption is low in India, according to a study.


With this feature, farmers can know about the diseases affecting the crops in their field and can easily find out the exact causes of the diseases and they can also prevent the diseases early.


Go to the diseases section in the app and select the location and type of crop. You can then find the diseases and pests that are affecting the crops, and you can click on it to learn more about and how to stop those diseases.

Check available seed prices of the Area

Sometimes it is very difficult for a farmer to know the best seed available in that area and the exact price of the seed.


With our app, they can learn about the different types of seeds in that area, the price and actual yield of the seeds, and other various information about the seeds, such as ratings and reviews from other farmers, which will help them choose the best type of seed for them.

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Updated Crop Selling price of the Area

This app provides a feature where farmers can see the selling price of their crop in their area and where they can get the best price for their crop. They can also see old prices for this crop for different years.

Latest Weather reports for farmers everyday

Bad weather is always a big danger for Indian farmers, especially small farmers who don't get updated weather information, especially for agriculture or if they get information but don't know what to do in such situations.


With this app, farmers will get weather updates on farming every day by default or even be able to search for other location data. Even the app will tell them if a storm or any weather hazard is approaching and what they need to do to secure their crops.

Crop Selling Records

With this feature, farmers can record the sale of their crop to see how much they earn from that crop each year. It also helps them control the costs they spend on growing crops each year.

High-Fidelity Prototype

For the high-fidelity prototypes I followed the previously created sketches and the lo-fi prototypes, as well as the findings of the market and user research in more depth. You can explore the HI-FI Prototype by clicking below button.

Yamini Gowda, IN

“It is very beneficial to use and it can be cultivated with the help of many crops. In today's time, the use of GoAgro app is fallible to every farmer and many people will happy to use this app"
Reviews by UX Designers

Ralph Edwards, US

"Very nice app, especially the design is very simple and I think most of the user won't have any problem to use the app"

Kalyan Prakash, IN

“The most attractive thing about the app is that it mostly focuses on the problems of small rural farmers which makes it apart from other available apps.”

Takeaway from this project

I started with an idea to understand what are the main challenges Indian farmers face every year and how we are going to solve this problem by providing them with digital solutions.


Given that habit is pretty much a visual experience, the use of animations over flat screens to convey this idea was crucial. This was an exciting challenge, being my first time extensively using a prototyping software.Having done this project by myself made me realize how enriching it is to have the creative input of other people, especially when it comes to the ideation part of a project.


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